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Barkhausen Institut

Methodologies for Trustworthiness

Das empirische Bestimmen  von Systemeigenschaften, zum Beispiel durch das Testen von Software, ist in ihrer Aussagekraft sehr beschränkt. Vertrauenswürdigkeit muss bereits in der Systemspezifikation und im Entwurfsprozess von Systemen berücksichtigt werden. Dazu sind neuartige Methoden erforderlich, mithilfe derer das erwünschte Maß an Vertrauenswürdigkeit in die Systemspezifikation einfließen kann. Diese Methoden müssen mittels Verfahren umsetzbar sein, die automatisiert und maschinell ausführbar sind.

Die Arbeit an diesen Methoden zielt darauf ab, langfristig Systeme zu entwerfen, die von Anfang an („by design“) vertrauenswürdig sind. Zu diesem Zweck setzt das BI auf formale Methoden, also strenge mathematische Überlegungen und Beweise, anstelle empirischer Verfahren wie Messungen oder Tests.

Grundsätzlich verfolgt das BI einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der mehrere Phasen des Lebenszyklus dieser Systeme abdeckt – von der Standardisierung über den Entwurf und die Implementierung bis hin zur Bereitstellung und Laufzeit. Derzeit liegt unser Fokus auf Methoden für den Entwurf und die Implementierung von vertrauenswürdigen Systemen. Konkret sind dies Methoden der formalen und automatisierbaren Spezifikation von Systemen, Programmiersprachen und Compiler, die diese Spezifikationen umsetzen, sowie Methoden zur formalen Verifikation der vom Compiler erzeugten Ergebnisse. Diese Themen werden von den Gruppen Trustworthy Data Processing, Verified System Design Automation und Trustworthy Computing bearbeitet.


Alireza Aghabagherloo, Roozbeh Sarenche, Maryam Zarezadeh, Bart Preneel, Stefan Köpsell, Priv-PFL: A Privacy-Preserving and Efficient Personalized Federated Learning Approach, The Deep Learning Security and Privacy Workshop (DLSP 2025), 2025

title = "Priv-PFL: A Privacy-Preserving and Efficient Personalized Federated Learning Approach",
author = "Alireza Aghabagherloo, Roozbeh Sarenche, Maryam Zarezadeh, Bart Preneel, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2025",
booktitle = "The Deep Learning Security and Privacy Workshop (DLSP 2025)"
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Prajnamaya Dass, µ-Trust: Trustworthy and Transparent Service Composition for Microservice-Based IoT Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, 2025

title = "µ-Trust: Trustworthy and Transparent Service Composition for Microservice-Based IoT Systems",
author = "Prajnamaya Dass",
year = "2025",
journal = "IEEE Systems Journal"
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Padmanava Sen, Prajnamaya Dass, Stefan Köpsell, Gerhard Fettweis, RF Hardware Reconfigurability for Privacy-Preserving Integrated Sensing and Communication, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S), 2025

title = "RF Hardware Reconfigurability for Privacy-Preserving Integrated Sensing and Communication",
author = "Padmanava Sen, Prajnamaya Dass, Stefan Köpsell, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2025",
journal = "5th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S)"
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Yevhen Zolotavkin, Yurii Baryshev, Jannik Mähn, Vitalii Lukichov, Stefan Köpsell, Optimal obfuscation of awareness messages: Improving users’ unlinkability in Intelligent Transport Systems, Computer Networks, 2025

title = "Optimal obfuscation of awareness messages: Improving users’ unlinkability in Intelligent Transport Systems",
author = "Yevhen Zolotavkin, Yurii Baryshev, Jannik Mähn, Vitalii Lukichov, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2025",
journal = "Computer Networks",
volume = "257",
note = ""
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Kenneth-Raphael Keil, Ricardo Bochnia, Ivan Gudymenko, Stefan Köpsell, Jürgen Anke, Gaining Back the Control Over Identity Attributes: Access Management Systems Based on Self-Sovereign Identity, Open Identity Summit 2024, 2024

title = "Gaining Back the Control Over Identity Attributes: Access Management Systems Based on Self-Sovereign Identity",
author = "Kenneth-Raphael Keil, Ricardo Bochnia, Ivan Gudymenko, Stefan Köpsell, Jürgen Anke",
year = "2024",
journal = "Open Identity Summit 2024",
author_text = "Ricardo Bochnia, Ivan Gudymenko, Stefan Köpsell, Jürgen Anke"
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Prajnamaya Dass, Marcel Daniel Sven Kevin Gräfenstein, Stefan Köpsell, Navigating Privacy Challenges in Mission Critical Communication: Insights for 6G Networks, 29th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2024

title = "Navigating Privacy Challenges in Mission Critical Communication: Insights for 6G Networks",
author = "Prajnamaya Dass, Marcel Daniel Sven Kevin Gräfenstein, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2024",
journal = "29th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD)"
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Prajnamaya Dass, Sonika Ujjwal, Jiri Novotny, Yevhen Zolotavkin, Zakaria Laaroussi, Stefan Köpsell, Addressing Privacy Concerns in Joint Communication and Sensing for 6G Networks: Challenges and Prospects, 12th Annual Privacy Forum (APF), 2024

title = "Addressing Privacy Concerns in Joint Communication and Sensing for 6G Networks: Challenges and Prospects",
author = "Prajnamaya Dass, Sonika Ujjwal, Jiri Novotny, Yevhen Zolotavkin, Zakaria Laaroussi, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2024",
journal = "12th Annual Privacy Forum (APF)",
author_text = "Sonika Ujjwal, Jiri Novotny, Yevhen Zolotavkin, Zakaria Laaroussi, Stefan Köpsell"
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Sebastian Ertel, Max Kurze, Michael Raitza, On the Potential of Coq as the Platform of Choice for Hardware Design, Coq Workshop, 2024

title = "On the Potential of Coq as the Platform of Choice for Hardware Design",
author = "Sebastian Ertel, Max Kurze, Michael Raitza",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "Coq Workshop",
url = ""
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Muhammad Umar, et. al., A Low-Cost 60 GHz Modular Front-end Design for Channel Sounding, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024

title = "A Low-Cost 60 GHz Modular Front-end Design for Channel Sounding",
author = "Muhammad Umar, et. al.",
year = "2024",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology",
volume = "11",
author_text = "et. al.",
doi = "10.1109/TCPMT.2024.3353332"
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Ghazal Bagheri, Ali Khandan Boroujeni, Stefan Köpsell, Machine Learning-Based Vector Quantization for Secret Key Generation in Physical Layer Security, Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS'24), 2024

title = "Machine Learning-Based Vector Quantization for Secret Key Generation in Physical Layer Security",
author = "Ghazal Bagheri, Ali Khandan Boroujeni, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS'24)"
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Ali Khandan Boroujeni, Ghazal Bagheri, Stefan Köpsell, Enhancing Frequency Hopping Security in ISAC Systems: A Physical Layer Security Approach, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S 2024), 2024

title = "Enhancing Frequency Hopping Security in ISAC Systems: A Physical Layer Security Approach",
author = "Ali Khandan Boroujeni, Ghazal Bagheri, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "4th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S 2024)"
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Stefano Tomasin, Hongliang Zhang, Arsenia Chorti, Vincent Poor, Challenge-Response Physical Layer Authentication Over Partially Controllable Channels, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Challenge-Response Physical Layer Authentication Over Partially Controllable Channels",
author = "Stefano Tomasin, Hongliang Zhang, Arsenia Chorti, Vincent Poor",
year = "2022",
journal = "IEEE Communications Magazine"
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Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Minh Thuy Pham, Maximilian Matthé, Gerhard Fettweis, Filterbank Secret Key Generation Rates in Multipath Channels, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) 2022, 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Filterbank Secret Key Generation Rates in Multipath Channels",
author = "Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Minh Thuy Pham, Maximilian Matthé, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) 2022",
publisher = "IEEE"
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Miroslav Mitev, Arsenia Chorti, Mahdi Shakiba-Herfeh, Martin Reed, Sajjad Baghaee, A Physical Layer, Zero-round-trip-time, Multi-factor Authentication Protocol, IEEE Access, 2022

title = "A Physical Layer, Zero-round-trip-time, Multi-factor Authentication Protocol",
author = "Miroslav Mitev, Arsenia Chorti, Mahdi Shakiba-Herfeh, Martin Reed, Sajjad Baghaee",
year = "2022",
journal = "IEEE Access"
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Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Minh Thuy Pham, Gerhard Fettweis, Secret Key Generation Rates over Frequency Selective Channels, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Secret Key Generation Rates over Frequency Selective Channels",
author = "Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Minh Thuy Pham, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring)",
address = "Helsinki, Finland",
month = "June"
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Arsenia Chorti, André Barreto, Stefan Köpsell, Marco Zoli, Marwa Chafii, Philippe Sehier, Gerhard Fettweis, Vincent Poor, Context-Aware Security for 6G Wireless: The Role of Physical Layer Security, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 2022

title = "Context-Aware Security for 6G Wireless: The Role of Physical Layer Security",
author = "Arsenia Chorti, André Barreto, Stefan Köpsell, Marco Zoli, Marwa Chafii, Philippe Sehier, Gerhard Fettweis, Vincent Poor",
year = "2022",
journal = "IEEE Communications Standards Magazine"
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Minh Thuy Pham, André Barreto, Miroslav Mitev, Maximilian Matthé, Gerhard Fettweis, Secure Communications in Line-of-Sight Scenarios by Rotation-based Secret Key Generation, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Secure Communications in Line-of-Sight Scenarios by Rotation-based Secret Key Generation",
author = "Minh Thuy Pham, André Barreto, Miroslav Mitev, Maximilian Matthé, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)",
address = "Seoul, South Korea",
month = "MAy"
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Simone del Prete, Franco Fuschini, Marina Barbirolli, Marco Zoli, André Barreto, A Study on Physical Layer Security Through Ray Tracing Simulations, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2022

title = "A Study on Physical Layer Security Through Ray Tracing Simulations",
author = "Simone del Prete, Franco Fuschini, Marina Barbirolli, Marco Zoli, André Barreto",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)",
address = "Madrid, Spain",
month = "March"
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Alessandro Santorsola, Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Vincenzo Petruzzelli, Giovanna Calò, Effect of Radio Channel and Antennas on Physical-Layer-Security Key Exchange, IEEE Access, 2021 , Download PDF

title = "Effect of Radio Channel and Antennas on Physical-Layer-Security Key Exchange",
author = "Alessandro Santorsola, Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Vincenzo Petruzzelli, Giovanna Calò",
year = "2021",
journal = "IEEE Access",
url = "",
doi = "10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131616"
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Miroslav Mitev, Arsenia Chorti, Elena Belmega, Vincent Poor, Protecting physical layer secret key generation from active attacks, MDPI Entropy, 2021

title = "Protecting physical layer secret key generation from active attacks",
author = "Miroslav Mitev, Arsenia Chorti, Elena Belmega, Vincent Poor",
year = "2021",
journal = "MDPI Entropy"
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Marco Zoli, Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Gerhard Fettweis, Estimation of the Secret Key Rate in Wideband Wireless Physical-Layer-Security, International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2021 , Download PDF

title = "Estimation of the Secret Key Rate in Wideband Wireless Physical-Layer-Security",
author = "Marco Zoli, Miroslav Mitev, André Barreto, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS)"
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Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Gerhard Fettweis, Investigating the eavesdropper attack in physical layer security wireless key generation: a simulation case study, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), 2021

title = "Investigating the eavesdropper attack in physical layer security wireless key generation: a simulation case study",
author = "Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring)",
address = "Helsinki, Finland",
number = "April"
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Stephan Escher, Markus Sontowski, Stefan Köpsell, How well can your car be tracked: Analysis of the European C-ITS pseudonym scheme, Proceedings VTC2021-Spring, 2021

title = "How well can your car be tracked: Analysis of the European C-ITS pseudonym scheme",
author = "Stephan Escher, Markus Sontowski, Stefan Köpsell",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "Proceedings VTC2021-Spring"
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Saumya Dwivedi, Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Padmanava Sen, Gerhard Fettweis, Secure Joint Communications and Sensing using Chirp Modulation, 6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT), 2020 , Download PDF

title = "Secure Joint Communications and Sensing using Chirp Modulation",
author = "Saumya Dwivedi, Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Padmanava Sen, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "6G Wireless Summit (6G SUMMIT)",
address = "Levi, Finland",
month = "March",
url = "",
doi = "10.1109/6GSUMMIT49458.2020.9083884"
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Tim Lackorzynski, Gregor Garten, Jan Sönke Huster, Stefan Köpsell, Hermann Härtig, Enabling and Optimizing MACsec for Industrial Environments, Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2020

title = "Enabling and Optimizing MACsec for Industrial Environments",
author = "Tim Lackorzynski, Gregor Garten, Jan Sönke Huster, Stefan Köpsell, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS)",
publisher = "IEEE",
pages = "1--4",
doi = "10.1109/WFCS47810.2020.9114434",
url = ""
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Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Stefan Köpsell, Padmanava Sen, Gerhard Fettweis, Physical-Layer-Security Box: a concept for time-frequency channel-reciprocity key generation, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020 , Download PDF

title = "Physical-Layer-Security Box: a concept for time-frequency channel-reciprocity key generation",
author = "Marco Zoli, André Barreto, Stefan Köpsell, Padmanava Sen, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2020",
journal = "EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking",
month = "June",
number = "114",
pages = "24",
url = "",
doi = "10.1186/s13638-020-01712-6"
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