Release of COREnect Industry Roadmap

BI participated at the COREnect consortium (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) and announces the release of the final ‘COREnect Industry Roadmap’. It provides detailed insights on strategic actions required to achieve European leadership in microelectronics and connectivity within the next 10 years, towards the development of 6G.
BI participated at the COREnect consortium (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) and announces the release of the final ‘COREnect Industry Roadmap’. It provides detailed insights on strategic actions required to achieve European leadership in microelectronics and connectivity within the next 10 years, towards the development of 6G.
“6G provides a huge chance for Europe’s society and economy, if we implement the right strategy along the economic value chain. This starts at the foundation: Semiconductors. The COREnect roadmap provides information on where we stand and on key areas to address - now”, says Gerhard P. Fettweis, CEO of Barkhausen Institut, Vodafone Chair Professor and COREnect Project Coordinator, TU Dresden.
The COREnect roadmap is composed of three documents. Deliverable 3.6 ‘Final COREnect Industry Roadmap’ is the main document, describing the proposed roadmap and providing a summary of all recommendations. Deliverables 3.7 ‘Core Technologies Development Recommendations and Guidelines'’ and 2.2 ‘Consolidated vision and requirement report’ are accompanying documents to the roadmap. D3.7 provides a synthesis of the industry roadmap and a list of recommendations, guidelines and action proposals, while D2.2 focuses on the investments required to build stronger European sovereignty in microelectronics and connectivity.
The COREnect roadmap and the two accompanying documents may be found here.